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Now downloading free:IBM 15F0256 DOS 4.0 Technical Reference Jul88

IBM 15F0256 DOS 4.0 Technical Reference Jul88 free download

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International Business Machines Corporation Armonk, New York 10504 IBM Program License Agreement BEFORE OPENING THIS PACKAGE, YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. OPENING THIS PACKAGE INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM, YOU SHOULD PROMPTLY RETURN THE PACKAGE UNOPENED AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. This is a license agreement and not an party or destroy all your other copies agreement for sale. I BM owns, or has of the Program, including modified licensed from the owner, copyrights in copies or portions of the Program the Program. You obtain no rights other merged into other programs. Such than the license granted you by this transfer of possession terminates Agreement. Title to the enclosed copy of your license from IBM. Such other the Program, and any copy made from it, party shall be licensed, under the is retained by IBM. IBM licenses your terms of this Agreement, upon use of the Program in the United States acceptance of this Agreement by its and Puerto Rico. You assume all respon- initial use of the Program. sibility for the selection of the Program You shall reproduce and include the to achieve your intended results and for copyright notice(s) on all such copies of the installation of, use of, and results the Program, in whole or in part. obtained from, the Program. You shall not: The Section in the enclosed docu- 1) use, copy, modify, merge, or transfer mentation entitled "License Information" copies of the Program except as contains additional information con- provided in this Agreement; cerning the Program and any related 2) reverse assemble or reverse compile Program Services. the Program; and/or LICENSE 3) sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the You may: Program or any copy thereof. 1) use the Program on only one machine at anyone time, unless LIMITED WARRANTY permission to use it on more than Warranty details and limitations are one machine at anyone time is described in the Statement of Limited granted in the License Information Warranty which is available upon request (Authorized Use); from IBM, its Authorized Dealer or its 2) make a copy of the Program for approved supplier and is also contained backup or modification purposes in the License Information. IBM provides only in support of your Authorized a three-month limited warranty on the Use. However, Programs marked media for all Programs. For selected "Copy Protected" limit copying; Programs, as indicated on the outside of 3) modify the Program and/or merge it

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