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IBM ET News Letter 1959 free download

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January 30, 1959 --------IT~~~-------- Most manufacturers of automatic letter writing equipment, dictating equipment, and other office equipment attaching to typewriters, are making changes necessary to adapt their equipment to the Model C. For information concerning the brackets and/or other hardware in- volved, contact a local representative of the company concerned. A break-out section has been provided in the Model C lower case, however, to accept linkage from machines which operate the key- levers from below. This section can be broken out as follows: (NOTE: Wear your safety glasses - Be careful of sharp edges.) 1. Remove the bottom case section and turn upside down. 2. With gas pi iers, or other heavy pi iers, grasp the case at the center of the break-out section and push down forcefully until the metal breaks away. Continue to break away the case section to both sides, up to the "Score Line" in the case (See illustration). 3. After the metal is broken away as smoothly as pos- sible, remove burrs and sharp edges with a file. For a smoother break-out, a hack saw can be used tosawalong much of the "Score Line". 2 A useful tool for holding key levers in alignment during bearing sup- port removal can be made from asparebearingsupport{part f/1118217) as follows: 1. Cut the ends from the bearing support assembly along lines indicated by arrows in the illustration below. 2. File the cut surfaces to remove burrs and sharp edges. By inserting this "guide comb" between the key levers at a point immediately in front of the key lever "adjusting lugs" and by in- serting the small fulcrum wire through the pilot hole in the key levers l (small hole to the front of pivot hole) the typewriter bearing support assembly can be removed without disturbing alignment of the key levers. With this arrangement l iI- becomes a relatively simple matter to install another bearing support since the key levers can now be reconnected to it as a "unit". This tool will prove particularly valuable in converting from carbon ribbon to fabric since the fabric ribbon feed mechanism is shipped assembled to a bearing support. CO~~lECu~Ob\lS~ ~v10[)JlEl C ~~~US C

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