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Now downloading free:Keithley 340x (B - Aug 2006)(SPEC)

Keithley 340x (B - Aug 2006)(SPEC) free download

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Model 3401/3402 Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28775 Aurora Road Pulse Pattern Generator Specifications Cleveland, Ohio 44139 (440) 248-0400 1. Basic Modes of Operation The 340x generator may be set in one of four available modes, Pulse, Pattern, Burst and External Width. Pulse Mode delivers a single pulse per trigger event to the outputs. The pulse is programmable in delay and duration. Burst Mode results in a `burst' of n pulses per trigger event, with pulses configured similarly to single pulses in Pulse mode. Pattern Mode delivers a programmable pattern per trigger event to the outputs. The pattern is programmable, or may be selected from a library of pre-configured patterns. The pattern may be presented in either NRZ or RZ formats. In NRZ mode, the pattern crossing point is programmable. In RZ mode the duration (duty cycle) of the pattern pulse is programmable. External Width Mode makes the pulse level follow the edges of the Ext In input. A rising edge causes the output to go high, while a falling edge causes the output to go low. 2. Interfaces The 340x generator may be controlled via the front panel GUI interface, a GPIB interface, or a USB interface. IEEE 488.2, SCPI compliant. 3. General Mechanical Characteristics Size: 439 mm (17.3 in) wide x 87 mm (3.4 in) high x 393mm (15.5 in) deep Weight: 6.80 kg (15.0 lbs) 4. Specifications Pulse / Level Parameters Specification 100mV to +10V 50 into 50 Pulse Amplitude1 200mV to +20V 1k into 50 -10V to +10V 50 into 50 Level Window2 -20V to +20V 1k into 50 Amplitude Accuracy3

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