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Now downloading free:Keithley 2621 RF Wafer Testing

Keithley 2621 RF Wafer Testing free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E candidate for high frequency testing. They are extremely complicated, yet susceptible to end market pricing pressures. This makes them highly sensitive to testing costs in pro- duction, where functional tests are conducted under low bias conditions from 1GHz up to 40GHz, depending on their design and appli- cation. RF measurements have been limited to functional tests of packaged parts at the end of the line, as this testing is perceived as high cost and problematical in terms of repeatable, accurate results. IC fabricators can also use RF wafer level measurements to extract figure of merit parameters on various high performance RF Wafer Testing: analog circuits at the 180nm node and be- yond. SOCs that combine memory with RF, analog, and high speed digital devices have An Acute Need, and comparable RF test requirements. Characterizing equivalent oxide thick- ness (EOT) on high-D gate diele

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