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Now downloading free:IBM Y31-0098-1 FEMM 1442 Card Read Punch Models 5 6 7 1965

IBM Y31-0098-1 FEMM 1442 Card Read Punch Models 5 6 7 1965 free download

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File name:Y31-0098-1_FEMM_1442_Card_Read_Punch_Models_5_6_7_1965.pdf
[preview Y31-0098-1 FEMM 1442 Card Read Punch Models 5 6 7 1965]
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Model:Y31-0098-1 FEMM 1442 Card Read Punch Models 5 6 7 1965 🔎
Original:Y31-0098-1 FEMM 1442 Card Read Punch Models 5 6 7 1965 🔎
Descr: IBM 144x Y31-0098-1_FEMM_1442_Card_Read_Punch_Models_5_6_7_1965.pdf
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File name Y31-0098-1_FEMM_1442_Card_Read_Punch_Models_5_6_7_1965.pdf

cr . M o F i Maintenance Manual e l d E n Restricted Distribution g i This manual is intended for internal use only and may not be used n by other than IBM personnel without IBM's written permission e Specifications contained herein are subject to change without e notice. Revisions and/or supplements to this publication will be issued periodically. r i n g 2 Card Read Punch Models 5, 6, and 7 A) " PREFACE ot A) This manual prov ides the s erv ic e and maintenance inf ormat ion f or the I B M 1442 Card Read Punch, Models 5, 6, and 7. Adjus t ment and remov al proc edures f or above- base mec hanic al units of the s erial reader punch are (00;P) explained in the I B M Field Engineering Maintenance Manual, Serial Reader Punch, F o r m 231-0026. 0) " 4) "3 RESTRICTED DIS TRIB UTION: Th i s publ i c ati on is i ntended fo r use by IB M personnel only and may not be made av ai l abl e to others wi thout the approv al o f l oc al IBM management. This edi ti on, Fo rm Y 31-0098-1, obsoletes the previous edi ti on Fo rm 231-0098-0. Logic referenc es and adj us tment procedures hav e been updated. Tec hni c al changes are i ndi c ated by a l i ne a t the l e f t of the tex t; al tered figures are i ndi c ated by a bul l et (o) ahead o f the fi gure c apti on. A for m is included at the back of this manual

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