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Now downloading free:Keithley 6487 910 01A

Keithley 6487 910 01A free download

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Model 6487 Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28775 Aurora Road Release Notes Cleveland, Ohio 44139 (440) 248-0400 Safety interlock The safety interlock prevents the voltage source from outputting voltage and also prevents the unit from being placed in operate on the 50V or 500V ranges. The Model 6487 has a hardware safety interlock. For safety reasons, the 50V or 500V voltage source ranges must have external normally open switch(es) connected to pins 1 and 2 of the interlock connector. The switch must then be closed to enable voltage output on these ranges. Refer to Model 6487 User's Manual, page 2-8, for more information. How is the interlock different between a Model 487 and Model 6487? The Model 487 uses a 3-pin DIN interlock connector, while the Model 6487 uses a 4-pin DIN for the interlock connection. The Model 487 interlock prevents voltage source output only with the Model 236-ILC-3 cable connected. Without the cable connected, the Model 487 allows voltage source output on the 50V or 500V ranges. The Model 6487 will prevent voltage source output for the 50V or 500V ranges unless pins 1 and 2 are connected through an external switch by the customer. The Model 6487 will allow 10V range output by factory default without the external interlock connection but can be configured to require the external interlock connection. With Model 6487 front panel operation, an open interlock will display "CLOSE INTLCK" as an error message when attempting to operate the voltage source on the 50V and 500V ranges. The Model 6487 in the Model 487 DDC emu- lation mode displays "IDDCO ERROR" on the front panel when an "O1" command is sent. The Model 487 displays "INTERLOCK" for the same condition. The "U9" voltage source error status word functions the same for either the Model 487 or Model 6487 in DDC emulation mode. 6487-910-01 Rev. A / 1-03

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