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Now downloading free:IBM A24-3204-0 1440 Operators Guide

IBM A24-3204-0 1440 Operators Guide free download

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File name A24-3204-0_1440_Operators_Guide.pdf

File Number 1440-01 Form A24-3204-0 Systems Reference Library IBM 1440 Data Processing System Operatoris Guide This publication describes the setup and operating procedures for each of the units of an IBM 1440 sys- tem: 1311, 1442, 1443, 1447, and 7335. The descriptions include stop and restart conditions and program load routines for card, disk, and tape. c' o Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. o Address comments concerning the content of this publication to IBM Product Publications, Endicott, New York 13764. Contents ("~' IBM 1440 Data Processing System Operator's Guide .. ' 5 IBM 1442 Card Read-Punch. , 5 IBM 1443 Printer ... , ' ... . 5 IBM 1311 Disk Storage Drive 8 IBM 7335 Tape Unit 8 Power-On and Machine-Ready Procedures . . 9 Program-Load Routine from Cards 10 Program-Load Routine from Disk . .. 10 Display Information from Storage 10 Alter Routines 10 What to Do When the System Stops. 11 Error Conditions . 11 Programmed Halt 13 1311 Disk Storage Drive 13 1011 Paper Tape Reader 14 1012 Tape Punch 14 Core Storage Print-Out 14 To Record Information from the Console 14 '" C "., c o Figure 1. IBM 1442 Card Read-Punch Figure 2. IBM 1442 Card Transport c IBM 1440 Data Processing System Operator's Guide This publication describes the procedure for preparing the units of the 1440 system for systems operation and the sequence of the steps for manual operation of the console to perform separate functions. Each unit is described individually with power off and power on. IBM 1442 Card Read-Punch With the power off, inspect the card transport area of

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