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Descr: apple Apple Studio Display M2454 Repairing-USB-Ports-2093.pdf
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Repairing Apple Studio Display M2454 USB Ports Repairing Apple Studio Display M2454 USB Ports Tools used in this guide 2mm Hex Screwdriver Phillips #2 Screwdriver Step 1 - USB Ports The USB ports are located on the back side of the monitor, below the plastic cover and metallic panel; on the lower left hand side. The first step is to remove the plastic cover panel. To do so, remove the three 2mm hex screws on the monitor's stand, as well as the four 2mm hex screws located on the four corners of the back plastic cover panel. After removing the mentioned screws, it is possible to take off the panels and began examining the inner components. Make sure main cable i pulled through plastic port. For additional help removing the back panel, refer to the repair guide for the LCD Main Board. Step 2 Remove the three screws holding metal plate, one on the top in the middle, and two at the bottom by the main cable. Push the metal plate towards bottom of the monitor to release it from clips and remove. After popping off (removing) metal plate, you can now see all inner components, where the USB connector is on left side.

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