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Now downloading free:Keithley 262RevA DocSpec

Keithley 262RevA DocSpec free download

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Model:262RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:262RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 262 262RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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File name 262RevA_DocSpec.pdf

SPECIFICATIONS MCOEL 262 LOU THERMAL VOLTAGE Olv10fR Tenperature Divider ACCW+ZY' Coefficient Output Noise Them1 m 1 Yr. 22'-2VC WC - 2vc (O.lHr BW) Drift'" 102:l ?35Ppn 2PWY 1onvpp 1onv 103:l +_35Ppn Zwm/ OC 1onvpp 1onv 104:l +_lOOPpn lOPwl/Y IMP 3N 105:l *1OOPpn lorlPm/"c InvPP 3ltV l Referenced to output teneinels. "'For ambient temperawe changes of i I'C/Hr. Includes effects of supplied cable. INPUT RESISTANCE! 20kn for divider ratios of 102.1 end 104.1 200kn for divider ratios of lOj:l end 105:l OUTPUT RESISTANCE: 2R for divider ratios of 104:l and 105:I 2OOfl for divider ratios fo IO&l and 103:1 ovERLoAo PROTECTI(x(: Ydxilluw operating toput voltage fs zov. Input Is protected against IOOOV overloads from calibrators with fwrent llnits up to 150n4. CONTROLS: Polarity. divider retlo CONNECTORS: Input: Five WY binding ground. ports for fnput. sense, and cese c Output: Special low thermal female connector. Mates ,,,th node15 1506. 1507. 1481 and 1482. ENVlROt44ENTAL LIMITS: OptratIng: WC to 28'C. up to 60% RH storage: -25'C to 65Y DIMENSIONS, YEI,GHT: 114 ren high X 165am wide x l8h deep (4-l/2 fn. x 6-l/2 in. x 7-l/4 in). Net weight 2kg (4-l/2 Ibs.). ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Lo* theneel wale to @ale cable (3 ft.) for connecting to

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