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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-2048-4 Introducing TSS 360 A Primer for FORTRAN Users Sep70

IBM GC28-2048-4 Introducing TSS 360 A Primer for FORTRAN Users Sep70 free download

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PREFACE A subset of Time Sharing System/360 (1S5/360) is presented in this book to allow use of basic system facilities without an extensive knowledge of the command system, by which system functions are invoked. The reader of the book is presumed to have at least a basic knowledge of FORTRAN. In addition, the user profIle under which the reader will use TSS/360 should be altered as explained in Appendix B. This can be done by the reader himself. if necessary; preferably, however, it should be done by someone in a supervisory or tutorial relationship to the reader. The altered user profIle can be changed again by the reader if he progresses to using the full command system. The full system is explained in other books of the TSS/360 Systems Reference Library, such as Command System User's Guide, Form C28

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