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Now downloading free:Keithley AD637

Keithley AD637 free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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Descr: Keithley 2001 ds AD637.pdf
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High Precision, Wideband RMS-to-DC Converter AD637 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM High accuracy 0.02% maximum nonlinearity, 0 V to 2 V rms input BUFF IN BUFF 0.10% additional error to crest factor of 3 OUT Wide bandwidth 25k 8 MHz at 2 V rms input RMS OUT VIN ABSOLUTE SQUARER/ 600 kHz at 100 mV rms VALUE DIVIDER Computes True rms 25k CAV Square DEN INPUT Mean square dB OUTPUT Absolute value OUTPUT dB output (60 dB range) OFFSET BIAS Chip select/power-down feature allows COMMON Analog three-state operation 00788-001 AD637

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