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Now downloading free:Keithley Keithley Model 196 data clearing procedure

Keithley Keithley Model 196 data clearing procedure free download

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June 11, 2012 Destruction of Data in Non-Volatile Memory in the Keithley Model 196 The Keithley Model 196 contains memory devices to hold firmware code that is executed by an internal microprocessor to operate the product and memory to save setup information. The following sections describe how the data stored in the memory devices may be cleared or destroyed. Warning: Some of the procedures in this document may expose hazardous voltage and the risk of electric shock or death. Only trained, qualified, technical persons experienced with the risks and precautions of working with electrical instruments should perform these procedures. Description of memory devices and their use: 2 of 16k x 8 bit EPROM: Stores firmware for the instrument. 1 of 8k x 8 bit SRAM: Stores data during unit operation. 1 of 2k by 8 bit EEPROM: Stores calibration information, factor default setup, and user setups. Procedure for clearing memory content: Note: If the Model 196 starts and operates properly when powered on, it is very unlikely that the EPROM memory was compromised. The microprocessor does a self test including a checksum. Any difference in the EPROM contents from the original programming will usually cause a checksum error or the unit will not function. 16k x 8 bit EPROM: This is not field alterable. 8k x 8 bit SRAM: Power off the unit for 1 minute. 2k x 8 bit EEPROM: Use the front panel controls to reset the unit to factory default and reset all user saved setups (refer to the product user manual). If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact my office at anytime. Regards, William Pelster Director of Quality

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