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Now downloading free:Keithley 132C 252C132F RevA DocSpec

Keithley 132C 252C132F RevA DocSpec free download

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File name:132C_252C132F_RevA_DocSpec.pdf
[preview 132C 252C132F RevA DocSpec]
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Model:132C 252C132F RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:132C 252C132F RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 132 132C_252C132F_RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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DC VOLTS ACCURACY YEAto (1 *:(%ds + dkiw RANGE RFSOLLmON W-WC pohn" 2" `%; al" lmn" *m.2s% + Id) .m -v Kom" xa v 1" MAxlMLlM ALLOWABLE lNPUT: 1oMlV DC or peek AC non-witched, EQV peak witched. INPIJT RESISTANCE: IOMO. NORMAL MODE REIECTION RATIO: Cmater than 46dB at 5OHz. @Hz. TRMS AC AMPS. ! ACcuRAcK,IMAR, t.u.uMm COMMON MODE RESECTION mno: hater than ~ccds at Dc. 54x+ "%,p~;Wd NLL SCALE and 6OHz (1kR unbalancer. "CILTACE TRIMS AC VOLTS ACCURACY YEARI ,* *rardp + %tibl IlANCE RESOLUllON 1wwc "ZFF 2Oh" Irn ll" 2cccmA Iti *,m CM) 0.7" 2" Irn" OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 2A fuuse(ZOV). externally accessible. 20" *cm" *,*lb + %I) 4sHzsmttz RESPONSE: Tme mot mea" square, AC coupled. X0" lmm" CREST FACTOR: !.~LI than 1.5% additional e,m,, MHe or @Hz rectan& 7x) " I Y pulse train with cmet factor of 3:l at 40% of full ecale. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INPUT: 1CCOV peak nonwitched. 75oV peak witched; continuous except ZCQmV range: 154 tnax above MOV. GENERAL INPUT IMPEDANCE: 1OMR shunted by lese than 100pF. DISPLAY: 0.6" LCD digits with decimal and polarity indicationr. low batten RESPONSE: Tme root meaanequare; AC coupled. warning. CREST FACTOR: Up to 3:l allowable. Lera than 2% additional errm, 5OHz OVERRANGE lNDICATlON: 3 least rignificant diite blanked. or mH2 mtamlar DULe train with treat factor of 51. MAXIMUM COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: XOV peak. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: 0' to SO'C; lees then 80% rrlative humidi~ up to 35

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