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Now downloading free:Keithley 4200 SCS HCI DS

Keithley 4200 SCS HCI DS free download

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4200-SCS Hot Carrier System Testing hot carrier degradation of MOS transistors at the wafer level provides quicker feedback and is more cost-effective than testing packaged test struc- tures. It eliminates all packaging costs and delays. Keithley's Model 4200-SCS Hot Carrier System allows accurate hot carrier degradation testing as soon as wafers are produced. It combines fast, low noise measurement instrumenta- tion with the analysis tools needed to produce lifetime projections quickly and easily. When the Hot Carrier System is paired with an appropriate prober, the same voltage stress conditions and test temperatures (typically room tempera- ture or cold) can be used as when testing packaged transistors. Lab grade DC device characterization High Measurement Accuracy Keithley's Hot Carrier System is based on the powerful Model 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System, which combines high speed and accuracy with low measurement noise. The Model 4200-SCS's current mea- surement noise is typically less than 0.001% of the measurement range and its one-year accuracy specification is less than 0.02% drift. In contrast, competi- tive solutions often have as much as 1% drift because they employ lower-cost, lower-accuracy sourcing and measurement architectures. The Model 4200- SCS's high quality instrumentation makes it possible to measure very small percentages of DUT degradation with high accuracy. In many cases, the sys- tem's low measurement noise and high accuracy makes possible accurate life-

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