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Now downloading free:IBM C27-6912-2 2260 Basic Graphic Programming Services Sep66

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File No. S360-30 OS Form /927-,6912-2 'r'Q'i \l7 J.l6JJ\/d Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System Basic Graphic Programming Services for IBM 2260 Display Station (Local Attachment) Preliminary Specifications This publication describes programming ser- vices for using the IBM 2260 Display Station with the System/360 Operating System. Included are descriptions of macro-instructions for input/output control and for Basic Attention Handling, along with some general requirements for using the display station effectively. Although intended primarily for the program- mer coding in System/360 assembler language. portions of this publication are also of inter- est to installation managers, system engineers, system programmers, and others seeking general information about programming the IBM 2260 Display Station. PREFACE This publication provides the reader and be familiar with the content of the with instructions and guidance in writ- following publications: ing applications programs for the IBM 2260 Display Station (local attachment) under overall control of the IBM IBM System/360 component Description; Systern/360 Operating System. The macro- IBM 2260 Display Station, IBM 2848 instructions and control program Display Control, Form A27-2700 routines supplied are described in IBM System/360 Operating System; detail. Coding examples with accompany- Concepts and Facilities, Form ing explanations are included to illus- C28-6535 trate uses of the macro-instructions and IBM System/360 Operating System; other modules provided. Assembler Language, Form C28-6514 IBM System/360 Operating System; To> take full advantage of the operat- Control Program Services, Form ing system and the programming services C28-6541 provided specifically for the IBM 2260, IBM System/360 Operating System; Job the reader should have completed a basic Control Language, Form C28-6539 course in Systern/360 assembler language IBM System/360 Operating System: coding, or possess equivalent knowledge, Linkage Editor, Form C28-6538 Third Edition (September 1966) This is a major revision of,

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