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Now downloading free:IBM H20-0686-0 APL 360-DOS System Generation Manual Sep69

IBM H20-0686-0 APL 360-DOS System Generation Manual Sep69 free download

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File name:H20-0686-0_APL_360-DOS_System_Generation_Manual_Sep69.pdf
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Model:H20-0686-0 APL 360-DOS System Generation Manual Sep69 🔎
Original:H20-0686-0 APL 360-DOS System Generation Manual Sep69 🔎
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File name H20-0686-0_APL_360-DOS_System_Generation_Manual_Sep69.pdf

=====:.- - - - - --= -- - - - - - --- --- == ===:" = --- - ';' - Program Product H20-0686-0 APL\360 - DOS System Generation Manual Program Number S736-XM1 This manual describes the procedure for generat- ing an APL\360 system adapted to a particular machine configuration, and the procedure for up- dating an existing system to incorporate improve- ments. It includes detailed instructions for generating both the host system and APL, and an analysis of common problems encountered in the process. The appendices include an example of system generation, a description of changes to the DOS supervisor for APL, and instructions for adding billing routines to the APL utility programs. Reference is made to APL\360-DOS Operations Manual, Form No. H20-068S. First Edition (September 1969) This manual and the program to which it applies are distributed without warranty on an "as is" basis by IBM under a modified License Agreement for IBM Program Products, and an Agreement of Understanding. Reference should be made to those documents for information on the con- ditions under which this manual and the program are distributed. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White plains, New York 10601

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