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Now downloading free:Keithley S400UX DS

Keithley S400UX DS free download

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Descr: Keithley SCS S400UX_DS.pdf
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S400UX Parametric Test System The S400UX is an integrated package of hardware and software tools, offering semiconductor fabs the industry's most complete solution for automated parametric testing. Wide Test Development Flexibility There's no need to learn a high-level programming language--even novice users can create executable test sequences in minutes without ever writing a line of code. However, the software also includes tools that make it equally suitable for experienced test programmers, offer- UNIX-based parametric test system ing wide flexibility for those who prefer to write their own routines or modify those included in the package. The S400UX relies on the Keithley Test Environment (KTE) software interface for test develop- ment and execution. Easy Migration from S425/S450 The S400UX is hardware compatible with its predecessors, the S425 and S450 systems, and offers a cost-effective software migration path for facilities planning to upgrade to a UNIX test environment. Wide Range of Hardware Options In addition to the standard source/measure instrumentation, the S400UX can be customized with a variety of options to tailor it for par- ticular applications. Capacitance Meters

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