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IBM Service For Consultants 198304 free download

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--...- - - - - Machines - - - -- ~ CHECKLIST = =---= - - --- ---_ .. - -~-.- = - APRIL 83 IBM CONSULTANTS' MANUAL CHECKLIST Subscribers are responsible for keeping their manuals up to FOR MACHINES AND PROGRAMS date. The checklist provided with each monthly update reflects the current status of each page that should be in your manual. The previous month's checklist is made obsolete when the current checklist is received. Random Pages (5 or less) are available from IBM. Circle the page numbers needed, print your name and address in the box to the left, or attach your business card, and send the checklist to Central Files, I BM Corporation, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10604. If you are missing more than 5 pages, you may have received an incomplete updating package. To satisfy your needs, please contact the marketing representative assigned to your account in your local IBM branch office. MACHINE PRICE LIST MACHINE PRICE LIST Continued MACHINES Continued October 82 87 October 82 M2502.1 July 81 iii October 82 89 October 82 M2560.2 July 81 v October 82 91 October 82 M2700.1 April 82 vii October 82 93 October 82 M3101.1 March 83 ix October 82 95 October 82 M3101.3 March 83 1 October 82 97 October 82 M3102.1 March 83 3 October 82 99 October 82 M3203.1 March 83 5 October 82 101 October 82 M3262.1 March 83 7 October 82 103 October 82 M3262.3 March 83 9 October 82 105 October 82 M32

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