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Embest DSO2300 free download

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Embest DSO2300 USB Oscilloscope - 8-bit, 100Ms/s, 50MHz, 2-channel USB1.1/2.0 Compatible Digital Storage Oscilloscope - Multi-functions Including Logic Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer (FFT), Record & Playback... - Easy-to-use with Intelligent Graphical Software Interface Embest DSO2300 USB Oscilloscope Description Embest DSO2300 is an intelligent 8-bit two-channel PC based USB digital storage oscilloscope with high performance. It runs on any USB1.1 or USB2.0 equipped PC using Windows 98/2000/XP. It connects to your PC with the included USB cable for both data transfer and power, so no external power supply is needed. It has up to 100Ms/s real-time sampling rate and 50MHz bandwidth. The device combines the functions of analyzer, spectrum analyzer, waveform recorder, signal generator, cymometer, voltmeter, acoustic analysis graphic instrument, mathematical related graphic instrument voltage meter, digital storage oscilloscope and all these functions are controlled through a point-and-click PC software interface. It is a small, portable handheld device that is idea for engineers, students and anyone looking for an easy-to-use, low-cost and powerful oscilloscope. Features Size: 144x88x38(mm) (excluding cable and probes) Weight: <0.25kg (excluding accessories) Metal case and PnP (Plug and Play) USB power supply directly and no external power supply required 1 Multi-functions: frequency spectrum analyzer, waveform recorder, signal generator, cymometer, voltmeter, acoustic analysis graphic instrument, mathematical related graphic instrument voltage meter, digital storage oscilloscope, etc. Record and play. The computer cannot only save current waveform on the screen, but also record continuous waveform. The operations of the record and playback are just as to operate DVD. The data can be led in by the formats Excel, Word or Notepad which would be convenient for report forms coming into being and taking full use of the powerful diagram functions of Excel. Zoom features with active cursors to drag the edges of the waveform window and waveform can be saved as a .jpg file. Capable of providing intuitionistic professional diagram like FFT waveform / Lissajous pattern (X-Y PLOT) waveform / S MAP / C MAP. The variables of input signal be calculated and displayed. User can adjust the displayed location and color. All variables can be copied to Excel, Word, etc. On-line auto calibration. Trigger settings allow horizontal trigger position settings and vertical trigger position settings. The two channels can be the trigger of each other. Simple logic analyzer enables analyzing logic relationships and serial signals between the two channels. Waveform is able to print on-line. Menu styles are able to change. Knobs can be selected with 3D solid style or plane style. Easy to use with various color settings an

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