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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6553-2 Telecommunications Preliminary Specifications Dec65

IBM C28-6553-2 Telecommunications Preliminary Specifications Dec65 free download

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File name C28-6553-2_Telecommunications_Preliminary_Specifications_Dec65.pdf

File No. S360-30 Form C28-6553-2 Systems Reference Library IBM Operating System/360 Telecommunications: Preliminary SpecificatiDns This publication contains preliminary information on how to apply and use the IBM System/360 Operating System for remote mes- sage processing and how to use the control program for performinq the input/output operations of a data communications system. Guidance is provided for problem pro- gramming within the system. Descriptions of applicable macro-instructions, suggest- ing how, when, and where to use them, are also included. PREFACE' This publication contains preliminary IBM Gystem/360 Operating System: Assem- information on planning and implementing a bler Language, Form C28-6514 system for remote rr.essage handling and/or processing under the System/360 Operating System. IBM System/360 Operating System: Data Management, Form C28-6537 Completion of a basic course in program- ming Computing System/360 is a prerequisite IBM System/360 Operating System: Control to using this publication. It is also Program Services, Form C28-6541 required that the reader be familiar with the overall programming concepts and termi- nology introduced in the following publica- It is suggested that the reader be tions: familiar with the following additional pub- lications: IBM System/360 Operating System: Intro- duction, Form C28-6534 IBM 2701 Data Adapter Unit, PrinciEles of Operation, Form A22-6864 IBM System/360 Operating System: Con- cepts and Facilities, Form C28-6535 IBM 2702 Transmission Control, Form IBM System/360 Operating System: Job A22-6846 Control Language, Form C28-6539 ~inor Revision (December 1965) This publication is a minor revisicn of IBM 2

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