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Now downloading free:IBM GF20-8172-15 Systems Management Bibliography Aug80

IBM GF20-8172-15 Systems Management Bibliography Aug80 free download

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File name GF20-8172-15_Systems_Management_Bibliography_Aug80.pdf

OF20-8172-15 OENL-OO Systems Management Systems Management Bibliography This bibliography lists and categorizes selected IBM publications on the management of data processing, including audidability, data security, systems management, and generally useful application development techniques and includes texts, manuals, briefs, bulletins, and papers as well as certain forms, templates, bibliographies, and indexes. In most cases, the publications are applicable to various IBM data processing systems; publications applicable to a specific data processing system can be found in that system's bibliography. - --.-- - -- - - ----- - -- - - ---- - -. - - - ---- -~- -. - Preface This bibliography lists and categorizes selected IBM Note: Order numbers are in sequence by the second publications on the management of data processing character. The first character is the use key, which including auditability, data security, systems man- governs the availability of the document. Use key agement and generally useful application develop- G means that the item is available to customers, ment techniques. In most cases the publications through the IBM representative, without charge for are applicable to various IBM data processing sys- quantities that meet normal requirements. Use key tems and include texts, manuals, briefs, bulletins, S means that the item is for sale through IBM and papers as well as certain forms, templates, bi- branch offices. bliographies, and indexes. Systems management briefs and systems man- Bill of Forms agement manuals are two types of publications An order number in the form OfGBOF-1234 is a Bill found in this bibliography. The briefs describe a Of Forms - a single order number for a package of technique or procedure that helped make a partic- separately available documents. ular data processing installation more effective. The manuals discuss in more detail - and usually Flags on Order Numbers without reference to a particular installation - data Maximum case: **GC20-0001-5# processing techniques and procedures and other A double asterisk preceding the order number subjects concerning the management

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