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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6537-1 Data Management Apr66

IBM C28-6537-1 Data Management Apr66 free download

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File No. S360-30 Form C28-6537-1 OS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System Data Management This publication contains information concerning the data management facilities of the IBM System/360 Operating system. It provides programmers coding in the assem- bler language with the information neces- sary to deSign programs using these facili- ties. This publication describes the catalog- ing, space allocation, and data access features of the operating system. Informa- tion is also included on record and label formats and data organizations. PREFACE This publication, primarily directed to glossary of IBM System/360 Operatinq Sys- applications programmers coding in the tem: Concepts and Facilities, Form assembler language, is a guide to the data C28-6535. management facilities of the System/360 Operating System. Because it provides detailed information on the facilities It is suggested that the reader be available and how they are used, program- familiar with the information contained in mers coding in a language other than the the prerequisite publications listed below, assembler language will also find this as well as with the functional and opera- publication useful. tional characteristics of direct-access devices as described in the recommended ,This is one of a group of publications publication. that describe the organization, functions, and applications of the System/360 Operat- ing System. Detailed information on and PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS coding specifications for the macro- instructions and the control statements IBM System/360 Operating System: Intro- described herein may be found in the duction, Form C28-6534 publications IBM System/360 Operating Sys- tem: control Program Services, Form IBM System/360 Operating System: Con- C28-6541 and IBM System/360 Operating Sys- cepts and Facilities, Form C28-6535 tem: Job control Language, Form C28-6539, respectively. RECOMMENDED PUBLICATION Terms used in this publication are IBM 2841 Storage Control Unit, Form defined either in the text or in the A24-3254 MAJOR REVISION (April, 1966) This edition, Form C28-6537-1, obsoletes Form C28-6537-0. significant changes have been made throughout the manual, and this new edition should be reviewed in its entirety. This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to update the text

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