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Now downloading free:IBM G24-1446-0 1404 printer

IBM G24-1446-0 1404 printer free download

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1401 DATA PROCESSING SYSTE~1 BULLETIN IB~,,1 1404 PRINTER The IBM 1404 Printer, Model 2 (Figure 1), is another to card document feeding. Conveniently located con- output medium for the IBM 1401 Data Processing Sys- trols, hoppers, and stackers, all accessible from the tem, and is available for Models B, C, E, and F. It is a front, permit easy operation. combination printer, capable of processing either cut- The 1404 can process cards of many sizes, ranging card forms or continuous forms. The 1404 retains all from a single 51-column card to an 80-column card the basic features of the IBM 1403 Printer - tape- with an 80-column stub. It can also process two cards controlled carriage, printing unit, and continuous (either 51- or 80-column) at one time. As many as 25 forms carriage, and incorporates a newly designed lines of data, either from 1401 core storage, or from card feeding mechanism. Under the control of the the card itself, can be printed on a card. 1401 stored program and the tape-controlled carriage, Many businesses, in a variety of industry classifica- this unit can print on continuous forms at a rated tions, need accuracy and speed in printing on such speed of 600 lines per minute; or it can print on card card documents as checks, earnings statements, pre- documents at a maximum rate of 800 cards per minute. mium notices, bills, and proxy notices. The 1404 pro- Simply by positioning a movable print unit before vides this accuracy and speed, and is flexible enough the card feeding mechanism and pushing a switch, an to be quickly converted for applications requiring con- operator can change from continuous forms feeding tinuous forms printing. Figure 1. IBM 1404 Printer, Model 2

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