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Now downloading free:Keithley 2308

Keithley 2308 free download

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Original:2308 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2308 2308.pdf
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2308 Portable Device Battery/Charger Simulator The Model 2308 Portable Device Battery/Charger Simulator is optimized for use in testing mobile phones and other portable, battery-operated devices . When a device-under-test (DUT) transi- tions nearly instantaneously from a sleep or standby mode to the full power transmit state, the Model 2308's rapid response to load changes means there's little transient voltage drop from the programmed output voltage and the output Fast transient response power supply Fast transient response power supply recovers quickly . This fast response is particu- larly critical when testing portable devices with a pulsed mode of operation because it allows the device to perform properly while it's being tested . In contrast, the slow-responding source

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