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Now downloading free:Keithley 261RevD DocSpec

Keithley 261RevD DocSpec free download

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Model:261RevD DocSpec 🔎
Original:261RevD DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 261 261RevD_DocSpec.pdf
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Model 261 Picoampere Source Revised l/16/89 OUTPUT: lO-14A (10-t 1A full rdnge) to 1.1 x IO-4A, pwtlve or nci;dlive, in eight Wl"&p. ACCURACY: Exclu~ivc 01 input drop considcrdtiw ACCURACY WITtI WORST-CASE 10.00 SE'ITINC WITH SETTING HANCE f1OV SOURCE OTHER THAN SEITINC SPAN, AMPERE VOLTAGE) 10.00* lo-7 to l&5 10-7 to 1.1 x If+ iO.25% iO.?!iY" Id IO-8 to IO-7 +0.5 % io.5 % lo-9 lo-9 to lti +0.6 % kO.8 % lo-10 l&l0 to lo-9 +0.6 % fl.1 % 10-11 lo-11 to lo-10 al.6 % ztl.3 % l&l2 W-12 to lo-" +0.7 % il.6 % IO-12 1wl4 to 10-12 f2.0 % `All axx~rac~cs ~CC the pcrccntage given, iU.01 x range switch xttmg. + LONG-TERM STABILITY: Will aperatc within stated spccilicntions for thrw months after calibration. After three months add 0.15% per month tu 10-8 through 1(kl2A ran&e setting accuracy spwifications. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: +.O.l%/`C from 15

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