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IBM 03 Product Summary Software free download

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--- - PSS.1 - ---- - - --- ----- - - -- Do not reproduce without written permission Aug 83 ..:. ..:.: == ';' == ISG PRODUCT SUMMARY - SOFTWARE New This section lists the software title as shown in the PP, SCP, and PO pages and the text included under "Purpose". IVP and FDP text is omitted. The software products are in product number sequence. IMPLEMENTATION PACKAGES for the 65S0 DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM 65S0 DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM DATA STREAM COMPATIBILITY 5608-SR6 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ... 560S-AX1 The 6580 Displaywriter 3270 Data Stream Compatibility enables a APPLICANT PROCESSING ." 560S-AX2 properly configured 6580 Displaywriter System to appear as a specific PERSONNEL REPORTING ... 560S-AX3 configuration of a 3274 Control Unit to supported host systems. Those These 6580 Implementation Packages assist 6580 Displaywriter System host systems currently supported are the S/370, 4331, 4341, 3031, users in setting up specific applications using 6580 Displaywriter 3032, 3033, 3081, and 8100. The 3274 configuration supported is the System Textpack 4 (5608-TR4) or Textpack 6 (5608-TR6). Each mdl 51 C (with Configuration Support C), with a single 3278 mdl 2 or package consists of three components: A procedure guide for the mdl 4 Display (with an 87-key EBCDIC typewriter keyboard). operator, a prerecorded diskette and a catalog of reports for principals. SNA/SDLC communications may be by switched network at up to The prerecorded diskette can be used to establish files with unique data 4800 bps, or by nonswitched, point-to-point or multipoint at up to for each ap~lication. The Operator's Guide can be used to step through 9600 bps. all the functions necessary to implement and maintain specific files and produce the identified application reports or letters. 65S0 DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM LANGUAGEPACK 2 560S-SR7 65S0 DISPLAYWRITER SYSTEM The 6580 Displaywriter System Languagepack 2 program contains

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