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Now downloading free:Keithley 32421A(Model181)

Keithley 32421A(Model181) free download

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Operator's Manual Model 181 Digital Nanovoltmeter 01982. Keithley Instruments, Inc Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Document Number 32421 181 l NANOVOLTMETER IEEE-488 BUS IMPLEMENTATION ADDRESS MODES: TALK ONLY and ADDRESSABLE. MULTlLlNE COMMANDS: DCL, LLCJ,xc, GET. TRIGGlX MODES: One Shot: Updatcs output buffer once at first "NlLINE COMMANDS: IFC, REN, EOI, SRQ, ATN. valid conversion after triggeronTALKand/arG~T. Continuous: PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERr3 Updates output buffer at al, valid ~onwr~ion~ after trigger. Front Panel Controls: Range, Filter, Zero, Damping, Hi Resoluli"". Internal Pnrametea: SRQ Rcsponsc, Trigger Modes, Data Ter- minators. GENERAL DISPLAY: Seven 0.5 in. LED digits with appropriate decimal point INFUT CONNECTOR% Special low thermal for 2"OmV and lower and polarity. ranges. Binding posts for 2V to lOO"V ranges. NOISE: <30"" p-p on lowest range wit,, Filter on. DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: 127mm high x 21hmm wide x 359mm lNP"T CAPACITANCE: 5OOOpF mV ranges. on deep (5 in. x 8.5 in. x 14.125 in.). Net weight 3.85kg (8.5 Ibs.). SETTLING TIME: 0.5 sec. to within 25 COLMSof final reading with ACCESSORY SUPPLIED: Model ,506 Low `Thermal fnput Cable. Fikr on, Damping off. ACCESSORfES AVAILABLE: FILTER: 3-polcdigital; RC = 0.5.l.or2 wands dcpcndingonrangc. Model 262: Low Thermal Voltage Divider CON"CRSlON WEBI): 4 readings/second. Model 1019A-1: 5%-i,,. Single Fixed Rack Mounting Kit Model 1019A-2: 5'/rin. Dual Fixed Rack Mounting Kit OVERLOAD INDICATION: Display indicates polarity and OFI.0. Model 1019SI: 5',~-in. Single Slide Rack Mounting Kit ANALOG OUTPUT: Accuracy: +(0.15% of displayed reading + Model 1019S.2: Y/1-in. Dual Slide Rack Mounting Kit ImW Time Constant: 400mscc.Level: f2V full scale on all rongcs; Model 1483: Low Thermal Connechan Kit xl or xl000 gain. Model 1484: &fill Kit for 1483Kit ISOLATION: Input LO to Output LO or power line ground: ,400" Madcl1485: Fcmalc Low Thermal Input Conneck!r peak, 5 x IOW*Hz, >I09 paralleled by 150OpF. Model 1486: Male Low Thermal Input Connector WARM-UP: 1 hour to r&cd accuracy. Model 1488: Low Thermal Shorting I'lug ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITS: Operating: 0"35"C, O%-80% *da- Made, 150

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