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Now downloading free:Keithley 7164RevA DocSpec

Keithley 7164RevA DocSpec free download

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Descr: Keithley 71xx 7164RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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SPECIFICATIONS !n64-D n6p-M CHANNELS PER CARD: 20. CHANNRLS PER CARD; 20. CONTACT TYPE Dry recd. CONTACV TYPE Mercury wetted reed. CONTACT CONFlCURATlONr 2-p& CONTACT CONFlGUlUTION; 2-pole Form A, common guard/ahldd con- Form A, common guardlahldd am- n&n. necthn. CONNECTOR `IypEz Sogln D CONNRCTOR Typ& 5crpln D OXUWCtOl. culnedor. RRLAY DRfVE CURRRNTi UknApr day tvprolL MARlMUM SIGNAL LRVRL; KOV MAKIMUM SIGNAL LRVRL: 1mV pak,OSArmsmvkhed,1Amu fmk.0.7SAmsswltched,1Anns arty, IOVA frmblive lomd only). -. %`A. CONTACT LIFEI alO' donurea coId CONTACT LlPE .I0 daya cold mvitddng >lcP dam at m@dmum mvltchln~ >I@ clmm at lnaxtmum d@ level. *@ml levd. CONTACT RRSISTANCR: d!lknil CONTACT RRSISTANCRt <4Uhn0 to httid, 2n to rated ufs. `: 1; ntd ofe. CONTACT POTSNTI AL; lWf& c2Opii CHNWRL 1SOLATiONi >lCrQ lUD, <5opF. Common M&z >IVfl, mm, dope. conmum MC&l >lOn, &OpF.

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