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Keithley 500 929 01B free download

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Addendum to the AOMI Manual The following information covers changes to the manual for the AOM1/2 and AOM1/5 modules: ERROR IN DESCRIPTION OF STROBE OPERATION The topics "D/A DATA" and "STROBE" on pages 6 and 7 of the AOMl manual imply that the mechanism of updating an output channel depends on the strobe feature, which may be enabled or disabled. This information is in error. The strobe operation is always enabled. A channel will update & after the strobe line has been sent an "ISSUE DATA" command, Several channels may be loaded with data and an ISSUE DATA sent to the strobe line, or channel data may be updated individually, each followed by an ISSUE DATA, This information is relevant only if you are writing your own low-level drivers for the AOMl module. High-level software such as KDACSOO,ASYST, or Labtech Notebook handle updating of output channels automatically. Document SOO-929-02BAddendum to the AOMl Manual (c) Keithley Instruments, Inc. Cleveland, OH April 2.5, 1991 AOMl Analog Output Module 1 The AOMl Analog Output Module is available in two versions. The AOM1/2 provides two channels, while the AOM1/5 provides 5 channels of high-speed analog output. Each channel has an independent D/A converter. The D/A converters offer true l2-bit resolution with a maximum nonlinearity of ~0.012%. Five switch-selected output ranges are available for each converter: 0 to +lOV, 0 to +5V, unipolar; *lOV, f5V, *2.5V, bipolar. A system strobe feature, supported by two levels of data latching in the D/A converter, allows any number of D/A channels to be updated simultaneously. Signals are connected directly to the module via screw terminals mounted on the right- hand side of the module board. The AOMl module may be placed in any available slot in the system. To install the module, first turn off the power and remove the top cover of the mainframe. Insert the module in the desired slot with the component side facing the power supply. General- ly, analog modules should be placed in the low-numbered slots to isolate them from power supply thermal and noise effects. CAUTION: Always turn off the system power before installing or removing modules. To avoid possible EM1 radiation, never operate the system with the top cover removed. User-Configured Components Each D/A converter installed on the AOMl offers five output ranges: 0 to +5V, 0 to +lOV, -5 to +5V, -10 to +lOV, and -2.5 to +2.5V. Switch Sets SlOES105 on the AOM1/5 independently select the output ranges for channels O-4, respectively. On the AOM1/2, SlOl and S102 select output r

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