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Now downloading free:IBM Y24-3704-0 RPG plm 1966

IBM Y24-3704-0 RPG plm 1966 free download

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Y26-3704-0 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System Report Program Generator Program Number 3S0S-RB-038 This publication describes the internal logic of the Report Program Generator for System/360 Operating System. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Restricted Distribution PREFACE This program logic manual (PLM) supplements in the publication IBM System/360 Operating the program listing of the Operating System System, Report Program Generator, C24-3337. Report Program Generator compiler (referred For information on the Operating System to in this pUblication as RPG) by describ- that is beyond the purpose of this pub- ing the program. lication, refer to the following publi- The first section of this PLM discusses cations: the overall structure of the RPG compiler. An overall flowchart is presented with a IBM System/360 Operating System, Assembler storage allocation map and a table illustra- (E) Programmer's GUlde, C28-6595 ting the input/output organization. A section of the manual is devoted to IBM System/360 Operating System Data each phase of the RPG compiler. Included Management, C28-6537 for each phase are a flowchart of the logical elements, a storage allocation map IBM System/360 Operating System, Concepts and an input/output flowchart. The text and Facllltles, C28-6535 includes a summary of each routine and subroutine (identified by the symbolic IBM/360 Operating System, System Program

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