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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-6613-5 OSjobMgmt PLM Jun70

IBM GY28-6613-5 OSjobMgmt PLM Jun70 free download

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File name:GY28-6613-5_OSjobMgmt_PLM_Jun70.pdf
[preview GY28-6613-5 OSjobMgmt PLM Jun70]
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Model:GY28-6613-5 OSjobMgmt PLM Jun70 🔎
Original:GY28-6613-5 OSjobMgmt PLM Jun70 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 os R19_Jun70 GY28-6613-5_OSjobMgmt_PLM_Jun70.pdf
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment > Oscilloscopes
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File name GY28-6613-5_OSjobMgmt_PLM_Jun70.pdf

File No. S360-36 (OS) GY28-6613-5 PrDgram LDgic IBM Sys1tem/360 Operating System: Job Manllgement, Program Logic Manual, Program Number 360S-CI-505 This publication describes the internal logic within the job management portion of the IBM System/360 Operating System Primary Control Program. .Job management prepares jobs for execution, and directs the disposition of data sets created during job execution. It also handles all communication between the operator and the pr:imary control program. Included in the publication are descriptions of tables and work areas used by the job management rout~nes and a directory of names and purposes of con- trol sections, assembly modules, and load modules. The information contained in this publication applies only to the primary control program. This manual is intended for persons involved in program ma:intenance, and system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for use and operation of the pro9ram. sixth Edition (June, 1970) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GY28-6613-4. In addition to incorporating information previously released, this edition also describes the changes made to p]~imary con- trol program job management in Release 19 of the operating system. These changes include:

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