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Now downloading free:Keithley 194RevA DocSpec

Keithley 194RevA DocSpec free download

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DC CHARACTERISTICS Specifications/l94 INPUT IMPEDANCE: LIMO (LOMO on 2M)V range) shunted by <47pF. MAXMUM ALLOWABLE INPLTT: 25OVpeek, 2x IO'V*Hz. MATH FUNCTIONS MAMMUM COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: 3OV""-9, 42V peek, 5 x lffV*Hz.. n-1 cohudo~ MODE RsJE~ION RAno: >6odB at dc to lkH2, udt E v, unbalance. AVERAGE: + I V., DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY: l&Bit: 52 LSB.8 Bit: ~0.5 LSB. TEMPERATURECOEFFICIENT (OO-lB*C 26"-5O"Ch < +(O.l x & PEAKTO PEAK:Difference betweenmaximumend mhximumvalues applicable accuracyspecificatio")/"C. of ramplee. PLUS PEAK: M&urn value of eanpler. DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS MINUS PEAK: Minimum value of samples. 16 BIT 6 MT n-1 Minimum Sample Rate lO@e(l@xHz) irs Cm) STANDARD DEV,ATlON: E i-0 W.-V..)' Maxhum Sample Rate IS " Sample Rate Rnolutton 1MnS I&t Number of Sampler S.mple Intew,l-Am-m-y 1 to 32k 1 to6Sk n-1 (typical, exduding time base TRUE ROOT MEAN SQUARE: i-0 ix)' E -XW--Y) 0.4"S 2ns n n-2 SIGNAL/NOISE RATIO: 5OdBfor full range 1WkHz sine i"put, INTEGRAL: (HV.+HV,,+ iEIV,) 1,. SLEW RATE: 13Vlps minimum. SETTLING TIME: 1 MS 0.1% of final value. to DIFFERENCE:Channel 1 - Channel 2. CHANNEL CROSSTALK:

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