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Now downloading free:IBM GA32-0022-0 IBM 3410 3411 MagneticTapeSubsystems ComponentDescription Dec72

IBM GA32-0022-0 IBM 3410 3411 MagneticTapeSubsystems ComponentDescription Dec72 free download

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File name GA32-0022-0_IBM_3410_3411_MagneticTapeSubsystems_ComponentDescription_Dec72.pdf

G A 3 2 0 0 2 20 tBM 341013411 Systems Magnetic TapeSubsystems ComponentDescription IBnfi First Edition (December 1972) The information in this book is subject to significant change. Any such changes will be published in ncw editions or technical newsletters. Requestsfor copies of IBM publications should be marJc to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is at the back of the book. Address any additional comments to Half-lnch Tape Writing, Dept. 26T, Bldg. 023, IBM Br:rulder. If the form has been removed, c o m m e n t s m a y b e s e n t t o t h e a b < i v ea d d r e s s . o Copyright Intcrnational Business Machines, 1973 Preface 'fhis manual describesthe IBM 3410/3411 Magnetic Tape Subsystem,Models 1, 2, and 3. In most instances, operational descriptions are limited to the channel and Qommand level. Operations common to all I/O devices are described in IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, Form GA22-6821, and IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, Form GAZZ-7OOO. Subjects covered include keys and lights, tape handling procedures, status and sense information, and error recovery procedures. Audience Systems programmers who are writing programs for magnetic tape. Systems engineers who are planning installations using magnetic tape. Salespersonnel. Preface 3 Contents Introduction to Magnetic Tape Subsystems 7 Magnetic Tape Subsystem Specifications 13 Operating Procedures l5 Tape Handling and Storage. l5 Operator's Panel l6 Power On/Oft Procedures l8 Status Information and Sense Data l8 Error RecovervProcedures 32 Figures Figure l. IBM 3410/3411Fearure Summary 8 Figure 2. CommandByte Coding (Part I of 2) 9 Figure 2. CommandByte Coding (Part 2 of 2) . n Figure3. IBM 3410/3411Magnetic Tape Subsystem Specificarions t3 Figure4. Operator'sPanel t6 Figure 5. Unit Statusand Sense Byte Summary l9 Figure 6. Statusand Sense Indicator (Bits) CheckingSequence 33

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