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Now downloading free:IBM S124-0070-6 Selectric Keyboardless Printer Parts Jan71

IBM S124-0070-6 Selectric Keyboardless Printer Parts Jan71 free download

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File name:S124-0070-6_Selectric_Keyboardless_Printer_Parts_Jan71.pdf
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Model:S124-0070-6 Selectric Keyboardless Printer Parts Jan71 🔎
Original:S124-0070-6 Selectric Keyboardless Printer Parts Jan71 🔎
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File name S124-0070-6_Selectric_Keyboardless_Printer_Parts_Jan71.pdf

I I S124 f)070 6 rr ~ g5lli:"b llIustrated Parts Catalog IBM Selectric Universal 110 Keyboardless Printer S124'()070-6 TI) g5 ~ Illustratsd Parts Catalog PREFACE This nIustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) contains listfngs and illustrations of all replaceable assemblies, subassemblies and detail parts released to Production Control on or before January 8, 1971 for the mM Selectric Uni- versal I/o Keyboardless Printer. I/O KEYBOARDLESS MODEL AND SYSTEM CROSS REFERENCE This chart is for your service information, and contains information that is presently known at the time of this revision level. PRINTER MODEL KEYBOARD USING SYSTEM N = None E = Electrical 1131 N 1130 1052 - 1 E 1050 1052 - 2 E 1050 1052 - 3 E 360 - 30 1052 - 4 E 360 - 30 1052 - 5 E 360 - 30 1052 - 6 E 360 - 30 1052 - 7 (SIPO) E 360 - 40 up +2150 1052/9020 E FAA 9020 1052 - 8 (SIPO) E 360 - 30 1053 - 1 N 1050 1053 - 2 N 1070 1053 - 3 N 1800 1053 -A N 2848 1447 E 1440 1980 - 21 (SIPO) N 2948 1033 N 1030 1062 N 1060 765 N 6400 1816 E 1800 Seventh Edition Oanuary 1971) This IBM SelectriC: Universal I/O Keyboardless Printer Parts Cata10g revision, S124-0070-6, obsoletes the previous edition, S124-0070-5. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your 1ocality. This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Publications Center, Department E02-Parts Catalog Center, P.O. Box 12275, Research Triangle Park,

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