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Now downloading free:IBM Y28-6609-1 Input Output Support PLM Feb67

IBM Y28-6609-1 Input Output Support PLM Feb67 free download

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Y28-6609-1. Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System Input/Output Support (OPEN/CLOSE/EOV) Program Logic Manual Program Number 360S-DM-50B This publication describes the internal logic of IBM System/360 Operating System input/output support. The discussion includes the relation of I/O support rou- tines to other portions of the control program. Detailed descriptions of the open, close, and EOV routines provide the basis for the discussions of the other I/O support routines openJ, RDJFCB, Tclose, and FEOV. Program Logic Manuals are intended for use by IBM customer engineers involved in program rraintenance, and by system programmers involved in altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for prograrr operation and use; therefore, distribution of this manual is limited to persons with program mainten- ance or modification responsibilities. Restricted Distribution PREFACE This publication des crites the functions IBM System/360 Operating System: Con- and organization of the input/output (I/O) cepts and Facilities, C28-6535 support portion of System/360 Operating Systerr. It also describes the relationship IB~ System/360 Operatinq system: Data of I/O support to other portions of the Managerrent, C28-6537 operating system. IB~ System/360 Operating System: Intro- duction to Control Program Logic, Pro- The publication is divided into sections gram Logic Manual, Y28-6605 that describe each of the major corrponents of I/O support. Each section refers to flowcharts that show the sequence in which SUGGESTED READING the functions are performed. Appendixes are included to show the formats of work Inforrration related to that provided in areas and tables used by I/O support. this publication is supplied throughout the following publications: PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS IB~ System/360 Operating System: Contro~ Prograrr services, C28-6541 The reader of this publicaticn nust be familiar with the concepts described in the IBM System/360 Operating System: Job following publications: Contrcl Language, C28-6539 Second Edition (Fetruary 1967) This publication is a major revision of F

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