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Now downloading free:IBM C24-3322-2 fortranIVspec

IBM C24-3322-2 fortranIVspec free download

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File No. GENL-25 Form C24-3322-2 Systems Reference Library Fortran IV Language Specifications, Program Specifications, and Operating Procedures IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460 Programs: 1401-FO-051 (Disk Resident System) 1401-FO-052 (Tape Resident System) This reference publication contains the language specifications, program specifications, and operating' procedures for the Fortran IV Programming System. The language specifications describe the Fortran IV language that is processed by the Fortran system. The language closely resembles the language of mathematics, and includes varioU! types of arithmetic, control, input/output, and specification statements. The program specifications describe the two programs, System Control and Fortran Processor, that make up the Fortran . system. Logical files defined and used by the system, control cards, and results of processing operations are also included. The operating procedures are divided into two parts. The first part describes compiling and executing object programs, changing logical-file assignments, and maintaining a Fortran library of subprograms. The second part describes building and updating a Fortran system. A summary of processor jobs, control-card formats, phase descriptions, and a listing of a sample program make up the appendix of this publication. Also included in the appendix is a description of the procedures to be followed in building a system that contains both Fortran and Autocoder. For a list of other publications and abstracts, see the IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography, Form A24-1495, and the IBM 1440 Bibliography, Form A24-3005. Maior Revision (April 1966) ThIs publication, C24-3322-2, is a major reVISIOn of, and obsoletes the previous publication, C24-3322-1, and its asso- dated Technical Newsletter N21-0050. Changes have been made throughout this publication. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the content of this publication to: IBM, Programming Publications Department, Rochester, Minn. 5590l.

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