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Now downloading free:Keithley 263 903 01A

Keithley 263 903 01A free download

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Descr: Keithley 263 263_903_01A.pdf
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Model263Calibrator/Source Quick ReferenceGuide INTRODUCTION This quick reference guide contalne descriptions of parlous features and Information concerning the operation of the Model 283. Also included are programming examples using VBrlous COntr011wa. Q1997, Keithley Instruments. Inc. Instruments Division Cleveland. Ohio, U.S.A. Document Number: 283-903-01 Rev. A TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTlONS 3 : j FRONT PANEL OPERAflON 4 CONNECTORS IRear Panell.. 9 i i PROGRAMMING OUTPUT VALUES 10 SOURCING METHODS 11 ; ~ GUARD 13 `~I FRONT PANEL PROGRAMS. 16 i IEEE-488 PROGRAMMING.. 17 PROGRAMS 23 IBM PC or AT ICEC PC < > 488 Interface1 24 IBM PC or AT ,National GPIS PC Interface,. 26 APPLE II 28 HP85... 30 HPSERlES300and.9816 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, 32 ; j I HP9925A... 34 : DECLSIll ,...,,.,,,,,,,,,,,o,,,,.,,, 36 i ,! _ SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. Before operation, ground the instrument through a prop- erly earth grounded power receptacle. 2. Before sevlcing, disconnect the instrument from the power line and all other equipment, and consult the Model 263 InstructIon Manual. 3. Do not touch any terminals while the Instrument Is oon- nectsd to any other test equipment. 3 I FRONT PANEL OPERATION POWER-Controls AC line power to the instrument. i ; I ~I 1~~ > , SHIFT-Several controls have secondary functions that are selected by first pressing SHIFT and then pressing the ap- 1 : propdate button. : I FUNCTION GROUP FUNCTION OHM9 o= VOLTS EX OmH AMPS

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