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Now downloading free:IBM GA27-2703-2 2703 Transmission Ctl Component Descr Sep70

IBM GA27-2703-2 2703 Transmission Ctl Component Descr Sep70 free download

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File name GA27-2703-2_2703_Transmission_Ctl_Component_Descr_Sep70.pdf

Systems Reference Library IBM 2703 Transmission Control Component Description This publication provides a detailed description of the c"apabil- ities, features, and communication facilities required for the IBM 2703 Transmission Control Unit. The capabilities of the unit are grouped by: start-stop capabilities; and binary- synchronous capabilities. All items of a general nature are discussed in the section, "Detailed Description of Operations. " The operator's controls and a detailed description of the communication facilities to which the 2703 can be attached are contained in the Appendix. For a complete listing of all SRL publications available in the IBM System/360 library, including abstracts, consult the IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form GA22-6822. PREFACE This manual is written as a reference text and is intended to cover all the major facets of the IBM 270:1 from a hardwarc \'iewpoint. Further informa- tion pertaining specifically to the IB:\I System/360 is contained in the 113),1 S~'stem/:360 Principles of Operation manual, Form GA22-6821. Numerous pro- gramming publications describing the various tele- communications programs are also available. All these publications are listed in the IBM System/360 Bibliograph~', Form GA22-6822. I Third Edition (Septenlber 1970) This is a reprint of the Second Edition, incorporating changes released in the following Technical Newsletters: N27 - 3027 (date d June 1968) N27 - 3029 (dated December 1968) 1\27-3038 (dated April 1969) 1'.,'27-3043 (dated July 1969) G?-~27-3055 (dated February 9, 107()\ .J..,../f VJ Changes are periodically made to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IB\1 systems or equipment, refer to the latest SRL Nevv

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