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IBM 15 Type Catalog free download

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Do not reproduce without written permission TC1.1 -~- - JUl83 !::1~i: ISG TYPE CATALOG Major Revision 88 CHARACTER TYPE STYLES "Selectric'~"Selectric "11"', Correcting "Selectric" II"', Mag Cord 1/, Mag Cord/A, Mag Cord "Selectric" Typewriters, Memory Typewriters, Audio Typing Unit and MT/ST. {*To be discontinued April 6, 1981.} Correspondence and General Typing Applications, Photographic and Offset Masters Only the type codes compatible with the 101, 002, 016, and 022 Keyboords can be specified with "Selectric" Typewriter, Model 721 orders. A complete list of these type codes is shown with those keyboard layouts in Chapter 4. Adjutant IBM "Selectric" Typewriters provide a wide variety of 12 Pitch, 9 Point typing applications, using interchangeable typing Type Codes: 129, 030, 031 elements

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