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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-2000-5 Time Sharing System Assembler Language Apr76

IBM GC28-2000-5 Time Sharing System Assembler Language Apr76 free download

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File name GC28-2000-5_Time_Sharing_System_Assembler_Language_Apr76.pdf

File No. 8360-21 GC2B-2000-5 Systems Reference Library IBM Time Sharing System Assembler Language This publication describes the IBM Time Sharing System Assembler Language, a symbolic programming language. The language provides a convenient means for representing machine instructions and related data, especially as related to the Time Sharing System (TSS). The TSS Assembler Program processes the language and provides auxiliary functions for preparing and documenting a program; the Assembler includes facilities for processing the assembler macro language. This manual is intended for applications programmers and any users who code in the assembler language. Sixth Edition (April 19761 This is a revision of, but does not make obsolete, tha previous edition, GC28-2000-4. Editorial changes have been made throughout this publication. Also, much of the now outdated reference data that appeared in the Appendices has been deleted. This edition is current with Release 2.0 of the IBM Time Sharing System/370 (TSS/370), and remains in effect for all subsequent versions or modifications of TSS unless otherwise noted. Significant changes or additions to this publication wi!! be provided in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IB~~ representative or to the I BM branch office serving your locality. A form Is provided at the back of thl' publication for reader', commentl. If the form he. been removed, com- mentl mey be eddrellect to IBM Corporation, Time Sharing System - - Dept 80M, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plain" New York 10604.

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