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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6263-2 IBM 7080 Processor Autocoder Language Sep64

IBM C28-6263-2 IBM 7080 Processor Autocoder Language Sep64 free download

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File name C28-6263-2_IBM_7080_Processor_Autocoder_Language_Sep64.pdf

File Number 7080-22 Form C28-6263-2 Systems Reference Library IBM 7080 Processor: Autocoder Language This publication contains specifications for using Autocoder, the basic symbolic language of the 7080 Processor. The types of statements that constitute the Autocoder language include area definitions, switch definitions, one-for-one instructions, macro- instructions, address constants, and instructions to the Processor. All statement types, except macro- instructions, are described in detail. A general discussion of macro-instructions is included. How- ever, the detailed specifications for using them are provided in the publication 7080 Processor: General Purpose Macro-Instructions, Form C28-6356. The Introduction to this publication reviews some basic aspects of programming, such as symbolic programming sys

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