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Now downloading free:xerox Mesa 41 Microcode Jul81

xerox Mesa 41 Microcode Jul81 free download

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File name:Mesa_41_Microcode_Jul81.pdf
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Size:7159 kB
Model:Mesa 41 Microcode Jul81 🔎
Original:Mesa 41 Microcode Jul81 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 6.0 microcode Mesa_41_Microcode_Jul81.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name Mesa_41_Microcode_Jul81.pdf 24-Jul-81 19:03:01 Page 1 .----------------------------------------~------------ ----------_ .. , , " M E SAM I C ROC 0 D E Version 41 ,--------------------------------------------------------------_ .. _., , Mesa.Mu - Instruction fetch and general subroutines Last modified by Johnsson - July 20, 1979 8:42 AM addresses changed for RAM operation, Johnsson November 5, 1979 4:05 P~ ._---------------------------------------------------------------- , ; Get definitions for ALTO and MESA , .-----------------------------------~----------------- -----------,.;; 'uCodeVersion' is used by RunMesa tc determine w~at version of the Mesa microcode is in ROM1. This version number should be incremented by 1 for every official release of the microcode. 'uCodeVersion' is mapped by RunMesa to the actual version number (which appear~ as a comment above). The reason for this mapping is th~ 1 imited number of constants in the Alto constants ROM, otherwise. we would cbviousl~ have assigned 'uCodeVersion' the true microcode version number. . The current table in RunMesa should have the following corre3:>ondel'ces: uCodeVersion Microcode version Mesa release o 34 4.1 1 39 5.0 2 41 6.0 $uCodeVersion $2; ;Completely rewritten by Roy Levin, Sept-Oct. 1977 ;Modified by Johnsson; July 25, 1977 10:20 AM ;First version assembled 5 June 1975. ;Developed from Lampson's MESA.U of 21 March 1975. 24-Jul-B1 19:03:01 Page 2 0 ________________________________________________________________ _ , ; GLOBAL CONVENTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS , 0 ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___

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