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Now downloading free:Keithley 153(Model153MicroAmmeter)

Keithley 153(Model153MicroAmmeter) free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 153 MICROVOLT-AMMETER @COPYRIGHT 1974 J+ZEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS. INC. MODEL 153 CONTENTS SECTION PAGE SPfTCIFICATIONS __-_-_____---__________________-- iv 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION _____--______-______---- 2. (-,pE~TION _______-__---______--------------- 3 3. APPLICATIONS __-______-__-_______----------- 12 4. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ___-_______________----- 13 5. SERVICING __-_____-___________------------- 17 6. C&IBuTION _--_________--________--__-_--- 23 7. ACCESSORIES -_--___________--_______________ 33 8. REpuCpygjLE PARTS ------------------------- 37 SCHpJ.fATIC _____-_______-__------------------- 45 1174 MODEL 153 ILLLlSTRATIO!& ILLUSTRATIONS 'i . Vo . . Title Pap* 1 Model 153 Front Panel. ______________-_-_-_------------------- 7 2 Front pane1 Controls. -______----_---___--_---------------------- 4 3 Rear panel Terminals. --___----_________--_____---------------_- 5 4 Thermal Sink Construction. _--___-_______-_____------------------ 10 5 Using Model 153 with 4-Terminal Connections. ----_--------__----- 11 6 Null Circuit and Leeds and Northrup K3 Potentiometer. ----------- 1: 7 Diagram Showing Currents in Solid State Circuits. --------------- 12 8 Circuit for Semiconductor Resistivity Measurements.

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