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Now downloading free:TOSHIBA 2545db cxp85332a-105 ta8859 c80

TOSHIBA 2545db cxp85332a-105 ta8859 c80 free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

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TOSHIBA 2545 the second anode of the picture tube. SUB-BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT 3) Operation: KEY General Information 2. Turn on the receiver. Set the BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST Controls to minimum (zero 1. Tune in a colour programme. 2. Set the CONTRAST Control to the minimum "1" TV gets into service mode with key opera- Pedestal distortion correction. beam current). and the BRIGHTNESS Control to the centre. tion; 3.High voltage will be measured below 29.0 kV. 3. Set the COLOUR Control to the centre. Also Covers 4. Set the SUB-BRIGHT. Control (R255) to the HORIZONTAL CENTRE ADJUSTMENT centre and leave the receiver for five minutes 2180 TB 1. Receive the UK PHILIPS pattern. in this state. "2" TV indicates screen with "F" +"4" key. 2. Set the contrast and colour to centre, and the C80 Chassis brightness to centre. 5. Watching the picture well, adjust the SUB-

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