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Now downloading free:IBM G520-2182-0 TSS 360 Brochure

IBM G520-2182-0 TSS 360 Brochure free download

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L.:Il-::/LJ TSS360 International Buslne.. Machines Corporation Data Processing Division 112 East Poet Road, White Plains, N. Y. 1oe01 (USA only) IBM World Trade Corporation 821 United Nations Plaza, New York, N. Y. 10017 (International) An open-ended command system gives TSS/360 takes full advantage of the a powerful set of commands by which powerful resources of the Model 67. It the programmer can tell the sys- balances the workload of the system tem what he wants it to do. These com- by handling background jobs concur- mands enable the user to create, rently with foreground Interactive edit and erase data sets, compile and processing. The user can even initiate execute FORTRAN, Pl./I and Assembler background jobs from a remote ter- language programs, and debug pro- minal. The accent, therefore, is on re- grams-even while executing them. source sharing; TSS/360 has been designed to share main storage, chan- He can use the command structure nel facilities, and direct access file supplied with TSS/360 without modIfi- space among a large number of users. cation, tailor the system-supplied commands to meet his own require- Want more information? For further de- ments, or define his own commands if tails about TSS/360, ask your IBM rep- he wishes. resentative for any of these documents: Data management with TSS/360 is Concepts and Facilities, C28-2003 handled by virtual access methods. Assembler Language, C28-2000 They are called virtual access because, Assembler User Macro Instructions, C28-2004 Assembler Programmer's Guide, C28-2032 like virtual memory, the methods are IBM FORTRAN IV, C28-2007 device independent. The virtual access FORTRAN IV Library Subprograms, C28-2028 methods include sequential, indexed FORTRAN Programmer's Guide, C28-2025 sequential, and partitioned access. Linkage Editor, C28-2005 Record formats can be fixed or vari- Command System User's Guide, C28-2OO1 Managers' & Administrators' Guide, C28-2024 able. Other features include tape-to- Operator's Guide, C28-2033 disk and dlsk-to-tape transfers, and Independent Utilities, C28-2038 automatic cataloging and recataloging System Programmer's Guide, C28-2008 of data sets. System Generation and Maintenance, C28-2010 Terminal User's Guide, C28-2017 System Meaaegea, C28-2037 TSS/360 also supports two sequential Time Sharing Support System, C28-2008 access methods which provide data Master Index, C28-2023 Interchange capabilities between TSS/ Addendum, C28-2043 360 and OS/360. TSS/360 is a large-scale, general pur- Dynllmlc object-lime prGgnim controt pose o

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