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Now downloading free:IBM G24-1477-0 1401 dataFlow

IBM G24-1477-0 1401 dataFlow free download

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File Number 1401-01 Form G24-1477-0 Systems Reference Library IBM 1401 Data Processing System IBM 1401 Data Flow This publication describes the basic internal operations of the IBM 1401 Data Processing System to assist operators, programmers, and systems engineers in their understanding of the IBM 1401. Card input/output and printer operations are also included. Each operation is presented in diagram form that shows the data path during the operation. An explanation of the steps involved accompanies each data-flow diagram. Second Edition (May 1967) This edition is a reprint of the previous edition. The primary change is the addition of a new cover and table of contents to conform to the Systems Reference Library format. Minor changes, which have been marked with a vertical line, have also been made on the following figures and pages. It''igure 17, page 20 lPage 35 Figure 43 (2 of 2), page 51 Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Sales Offices. This Manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product Publications, Dept. 171, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, N.Y. 13760 Address comments regarding this publication to this address.

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