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Now downloading free:IBM C24-9010-3 360-20 TPS PerformanceEst Mar69

IBM C24-9010-3 360-20 TPS PerformanceEst Mar69 free download

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File name C24-9010-3_360-20_TPS_PerformanceEst_Mar69.pdf

File Number S360(Mod.20)-20 Form C24-90l0-3 TPS Systems Reference .Library DAPS CPY IBM 'System/360 Model 20 Tape Programming System Performance Estimates This manual contains performance estimates for the Model 20 Tape Programning System. Internal and external storage requirements, as well as time requirements, are listed in tables or provided in the form of formulas with which the needed infor- mation can be obtained. Readers of this publication should be familiar with the contents of the System Reference Library (SRL) publication IBM System/360 Model 20, Tape Programming System, Control and Service Programs, Form C24-9000. Readers should also have r~d those SRL publi- cations that are concerned with the particular program or programs for which performance esti- mates are needed. r-- i 'l.Q.!H:th Edition (Plarch 1969) , I I I , I , IThis is a major revisioD of, aad obsoletes, C24-9010-2.) IChanges have been made throughout the manual, mainly to Ireflect the availability of the IBPI System/360 ftodel 20 ISubmodel 5. Changes to the text, and small changes to ~illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left lof the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted ,by the symbol. to the left of the caption. I I IThis edition applies to the following program version and Imodification levels of the IBM System/360 Model 20 Tape IProgramming system, and to all subsequent versions an~ Imodifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or ITechnical Newsletters. I I ) R

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