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Now downloading free:IBM Y33-6003-0 PL1LangSpecMar68

IBM Y33-6003-0 PL1LangSpecMar68 free download

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Form Y33-6003-0 Language Specifications IBM System/360 PL/I Language Specifications This publication is a description of the PL/I language. It does not describe any implementation; nor can it be construed that the publication implies any commitment that the features are implemented or will be implemented by IBM. The publication is intended for the use of implementers and programming language designers concerned with language development and the study of languages. Restricted Distribution PREFACE This publication is a specifications A PL/I Primer, Student Text~ Form manual for the entire PL/I language. It is C28-6808, is intended for the novice not intended to reflect any implementation. programmer who has little or no knowl- The book is designed for the use of implem- edge of data processing, as well as for enters, systems programmers, and others who the experienced programmer who wants to need to know the language beyond the pre- learn PL/I. sent implementations. The following books describe the language as implemented for the F-Ievel compiler and the D-Ievel com- A Guide to PL/I for FORTRAN Users. piler: Student Texto Form C20-1637, is direct- ed toward the programmer who has a working knowledge of FORTRAN.. IBM _~stem/360: PL/I Reference Manual, Form C28-8201 A Guide to PL/I for Commer~1al P~o~ram IBM System/360: PL/I Subset Reference mers'll Student Text. Form C20-1651" is Manual, Form C28-8202 intended for the programmer who has experience in commercial applications,. There are other IBM publications th~t Comparisons between PL/I and COBOL perform a tutorial function. These publi- (COmmon Business Oriented Language) are cations and their intended audience are as included in this guide. follows: RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION: This publication may not be dis- tributed without the approval of local IBM management. This publication q Form Y33-6003-0. makes obsolete the previous edition, Form C28-6571-4. In addition to language changes and new language features, much of the material has been rewritten and reordered. Changes and additions to the language are identified by vertical bars t

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