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IBM Y28 6801-4 PL1subrPLM Nov68 free download

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File No. S360-29 Form Y28-6801-4 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System PL/I Subroutine Library Program Logic Manual Program Number 360S-LM-St2 This publication describes the internal speci- fications of the PL/I Subroutine Library as a system component of IBM System/360 Operating Sys- tem. The relationships between the code produced by the PL/I (F) Compiler, the PL/I Library modules and the control program are described, and summar- ies of the properties of individual modules are provided. This information is intended for use by those involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not neces- sary for the use and operation of the program: therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to those described above. Restricted Distribution RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION: This publication is intended primar- ily for use by IBM personnel involved in program desi9n and maintenance. It may not be made available to others w~thout the approval of local IBM management. r-----------------------------------------------------------, IFifth Edition (November, 1968) I I I IThis is a major revision of, and obsoletes, Y28-6801-3 and I I Technical Newsletter Y33-6001. A new section has been I ladded in Chapter 5 on multiprocessing and in Chapter 6 onl linterrupt handling for the System/360 Model 91. Other I Ichanges to the text, and small changes to illustrations, I lare indicated by a vertical line to the left of the I I change: changed or added illustrations are denoted by the I I- symbol to the left of the caption. I I I IThis edition applies to Release 17, of IBM System/3601 IOperating System, and to all subsequent releases until I 1otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical News-I I letters. Changes are continually made to the specifi-I Ication herein: any such changes will be reported in sub-I L___________________________________________________________ JI Isequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd., Programming Publica- tions, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England. C Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1966, 1967,1968 PREFACE This publication describes the object- system control Blocks, Form C28-6628 time PL/I Library package which forms an integral part of the PL/I processing system. General information covering the supervisor and Data Management Servi- overall design and

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