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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-6801-6 PLI Subroutine Library PLM Jun72

IBM GY28-6801-6 PLI Subroutine Library PLM Jun72 free download

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File name GY28-6801-6_PLI_Subroutine_Library_PLM_Jun72.pdf

File No. 5360-29 Order No. GY28-6801-6 Program Logic IBM System/3S0 Operating System PLII Subroutine Library Program Logic Manual Program Number 360S-LM-S12 This publication describes the internal specifications of the PL/I Subroutine Library as a system component of IBM System/360 Operating System. The relationships between the code produced by the PL/I (F) compiler, the PL/I Library modules and the control program are described, and summaries of the properties of individual modules are provided. This information is intended for use by those involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for the use and operation of the program~ therefore, distribution of this publication i$ limited to those described above. Restricted Distribution I r-----------------------------------------------------------, ISeventh Edition (June, 1972) I IThis is a minor revision of, and obsoletes, GY28-6801-05 land Technical Newsletters GN33-6017 and GY33-6018. I IThis edition applies to Release 18 of IBM System/360 IOperating System, and to all subsequent releases until lotherwise indicated in new editions or Technical INewsletters

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